1. The author(s) presents to edition:
printed copy signed by the author, and also the electronic version of article in the Microsoft Word format. The printed version of the paper has to correspond to the electronic completely; at the end of the text the author specifies: «Material is verified, figures, the facts, quotes are verified with the primary source, material doesn’t contain data of limited distribution».
- All presented articles pass scientific epertise. In case when results of an expert assessment are negative (article is recommended to completion or deviates publication) the authir is sent the reasoned refusal or recommendations about completion.
1. Each article has to be accompanied:
data on the author(s), (in the Russian and English languages) which are specified in the first interlinear reference – a footnote (for it it is necessary to use a symbol *) and include a surname, a name, a middle name completely; academic degree; academic status; work place; position; e-mail address. After the indication of a place of work the city is specified in brackets;
the short paper (summary) in the Russian and English languages opening the basic about article continence (≈ 200 — 300 words)
keywords in the Russian and English languages
2. Order of an arrangement of materials:
initials and surname of the author(s);
the name of article (in the Russian and English languages);
the abstract in Russian;
the abstract in English (identical to the paper in Russian);
keywords in Russian;
keywords in English;
main text of article.
3. Requirements to registration:
4. Registration of links
the short endnote link contains the following elements: a surname and initials of the author (italics) of the edition, the main title, data on the edition, an edition place, publishing house (if the name of publishing house is absent at least in one publication, it is necessary to lower names of publishing houses in other publications, or to specify the name of publishing house in all references, i.e. to result in uniformity), year of the edition, data on location of object of the link (if the link to part of the document), designation and serial number of volume or release, the physical characteristic (number of pages or concrete pages);
the list of references at the end of article is given in alphabetical order.
Materials may contain the tables and black-and-white schemes executed in the Word editor (for Windows). Application of objects of Word Art in schemes isn’t recommended. All drawings, charts and schemes included in the text of article in the electronic version have to be presented by also separate files in those formats in which they were made (objects have to «understand»).
Formulas have to be gathered in the Microsoft Equation editor where their set is more correct; the set of formulas in MathType … is also possible Equation.
It isn’t necessary to gather one sign in the formular editor, the Latin letter is inserted from the keyboard (we change set language), letters of Greek and some mathematical operators should be taken from the Symbol font or we open the Insert menu-> a tab Symbols.
If you gather a formula, gather it completely, it isn’t necessary to leave one symbol and an equal-sign a text set, and then to pass in the formular editor.
1. Data on the author:
Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
North-West Institute of Management – branch of a RANEPA (St. Petersburg)
Head of the Chair… … … … … ….
Doctor of Science (Philosophy), Professor.
2. Short endnote links:
In the text:
«A.V. Vilensky calls it «some kind of «a gold legion» of post-industrial society» [7, page 625].
In endnote exile:
5. Russia in the globalized world: Political and economic sketches / отв. edition D.S. Lvov. M.: Science, 2004.