Peer review of the journal «Administrative Consulting‎‎»‎
Peer review of the journal «Administrative Consulting‎‎»‎

Rules of the introduction, reviewing and publication of scientific articles, abstracts and keywords in the scientific and practical Journal «Administrative Consulting»

1. Rules of the introduction

The author (Authors) prepares the text of the manuscript of the scientific article in electronic form according to «Authors’ guedelines». The printed copy of article must be signed by the author. The author presents article in editorial office of the journal in the printed and electronic form. The direction of article through the Electronic Edition resource that allows to receive actual information on stages of preparation of materials for the publication is possible.

1.1. The author sends addressed to the Chief Editor the cover letter in the established form (Appendix) in which proves need of publication of materials, and also specifies the name of the article, personal information (a full surname, a name and a middle name) and scope of scientific research according to the existing nomenclature of scientific specialties approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 25.02.2009 No. 59.

  1. It is separately necessary to specify contact phone and the e-mail address for an operative communication, the address with an index for sending the issue of the journal. If there are more then one authors, it is necessary to specify with whom from them editor should correspond.
  2. Except article in edititorial board are provided:
  • The abstract of the article (the recommended volume of 200 — 300 words) reflecting the main content of work, opening relevance and novelty of the studied subject, and also keywords.
  • The author’s reference (in the electronic and printed version);
  • Materials in English – information on authors/authors, the name of the article, the abstract of the article, keywords – in print and electronic versions.
  • Illustrative materials — in electronic form — separate files in the TIFF/JPG formats with a resolution not less than 300 dpi. All charts and schemes included in the text of article in the electronic version also have to be submitted by separate files in those formats in which they were created. Granting the illustrations imported to Word, and also their photocopies isn’t allowed. Materials may contain the tables and black-and-white schemes executed in the Word editor (for Windows). Application of objects of Word Art in schemes isn’t recommended.
  • To all illustrative and tabular materials the author provides signatures which join in the file with the author’s text.
  • The printed and signed acceptance of the public offer.

1.4. The author’s reference contains the following data:

  • Surname, name, middle name (completely):
  • Academic degree and academic status:
  • Work place (full name, city):
  • Position:
  • Phone (mobile and office):
  • E-mail.

1.5. The acceptance of the public offer (Appendix) is provided in editorial board printed on paper or in the scanned look. It has to be with own hand signed by the author (coauthors) a ball pen with blue ink.

Authors from RANEPA provide articles and all accompanying documents in editorial office of the journal only personally.

Third-party authors provide articles and all accompanying documents in electronic form and/or personally, or by mail the registered mail to the address:

8th Line V.O., 61, St. Petersburg, 199178

publishing and printing cente of NWIM of RANEPA

1.6. When providing article with all related documents in editorial board of the scientific periodical press, its registration in the special list is made and individual number is assigned.

1.7. Original article has to contain information on research objectives, scientific methods and practical application of its results, scientific discussion of a subject of research, and also conclusions.

1.8. The materials which are earlier not published and not intended to the simultaneous publication in other editions are published in the journal. Authors of articles bear responsibility for the content of articles and for the fact of their publication. Edition not always shares opinion of authors and doesn’t bear responsibility for unauthenticity of the published data.

1.9. The fee isn’t paid to authors. The payment for the publication of articles isn’t raised from graduate students.

  1. Electronic media and manuscripts to authors don’t come back.

2. Rules of reviewing

2.1. At receipt of article in editorial board of the scientific periodical press, the editor of the edition makes an assessment of its compliance to requirements to registration of the manuscript, and also rules of providing manuscripts. At violation of the rules of providing manuscripts article is sent back to the author for revision. The manuscripts arriving for publication in the journal are checked for compliance to technical requirements and a profile of the journal. The materials which aren’t answering to these conditions come back to authors with the indication of causes of failure in reception.

2.2. The scientific articles arriving from authors pass the editorial scientific expertise defining their compliance to the declared perspective, level of disclosure of a subject, scientific novelty.

All provided articles are checked by Antiplagiat system.

The purpose of the scientific examination which is carried out by scientific editors of department of the scientific periodical press of the publishing house of NWIM of RANEPA is the substantial expert assessment of quality of the scientific article by the following obligatory criteria of scientific character:

compliance of the name of article to its contents;

the formulation of the solved problem or task;

justification of relevance of the presented materials;

research character of article;

argumentativeness of a statement and conclusions, in particular, existence of links to the used literature and other information sources;

scientific novelty and the practical importance of the received results;

existence of conclusions by results of article;

existence of the list of references with links to sources from it from the text of article.

Determination of compliance of the contents of article to subject of the magazine.

If the contents of article don’t correspond to subject of the edition, it is disqualified, authors are reported about it. Unpublished material to authors doesn’t come back.

Expertise is carried out by the scientific editors of thepublishing and printing center of NWIM of RANEPA who are experts in the corresponding fields of knowledge.

2.3. In case of detection of discrepancy of the provided materials to the above-stated criteria, scientific editors report the manuscript to members of an editorial board – specialists in article perspective (doctors of science) – for pronouncement of the decision on the recommendation of completion of article or its deviation from the publication.

If the article needs completion, the response of the scientific editor and/or member of an editorial board with remarks is sent. After correction the author sends in edition article repeatedly. Return of the manuscript to completion doesn’t mean that article is adopted for printing.

The modifed option needs to be sent to edition repeatedly, having separately attached the letter with answers to remarks of the member of an editorial board. Date of receipt of article is considered receipt time in edition of the final (processed) version.

  1. The final decision on the publication of article with multidirectional reviews is made by an editorial board of the magazine and fixed in the editorial board minutes. In case of refusal edition directs to publications of article to the author motivated refusal. Articles adopted by editorial office of scientific journal are distributed on the headings corresponding the scientific directions in which the journal specializes.

3.1. Articles adopted to the publication pass the editing providing preprinting preparation of article for placement in future issue of the journal. Editing is carried out by editors of the publishing and printing center of NWIM of RANEPA.

3.2. The manuscript of article which passed literary editing, read by proofreaders and imposed for replication passes final coordination with the author. At a consent with the offered editing the author informs on it edition in writing (by e-mail) then the approved version of article is published in the next issue of the magazine.

3.3. Replication of jpurnals makes the publishing and printing center of NWIM of RANEPA in strict accordance with frequency of issue of the edition.
